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Instruments & Control



Smart Valve Positioner 200 Series

  • Stable control valve operation

High accuracy and high resistance to vibration (10 G, 2,000 Hz) improve control valve
performance, allowing tighter process control and less product variability.

  • Easy setup and maintenance

Fully automatic setup and calibration save time and effort. Onboard diagnostics are provided for easy troubleshooting and maintenance.

  • Single model fits most applications

A single universal model can be used for most valve applications



Smart Valve Positioner 300 Series

  • Improves process control

High accuracy and high resistance to vibration improve control valve performance, allowing tighter process control and reduction in product variability.

  • Improves productivity

Easy-to-use fully automatic set-up and calibration, with diagnostics, makes these tasks easier and able to be completed in less time.

  • Reduces spares

Single universal model applies to most valve applications.



Smart Valve Positioner 700 Series

  • Excellent environmental resistance and robustness

- Isolating structure for electrical/electronic parts

- Travel sensor with improved vibration resistance

  • Comprehensive control valve diagnosis

- Valve signature

- Force-balance diagnosis

- Air circuit diagnosis

- Improved stick-slip diagnosis

  • Do-from-anywhere adjustment and setup

- Local user interface (LUI)

- Adjustment/setup tools

- Device management system

  • Advanced system integration

- Support for the HART protocol and FOUNDATION Fieldbus

- Support for FDT technology

- PLUG-IN Valstaff

  • Improved energy effi ciency and controllability

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Industrial Control Valves

In 1936 we made the first domestically manufactured control valve, and for over 80 years since we
have been supplying a variety of products for process automation workplaces in Japan and around
the world.

The technological know-how we accumulated through abundant experience at customers’ work
sites informed the development of the 1000 series, V series, CV3000 series, and the CV3000
Alphaplus™ series, and has been used to bring about improved performance and reliability in our
general-purpose control valves.

In addition to products for general-purpose use, we have developed products designed for specific
applications, such as high or low temperatures, very high pressures, corrosion resistance, and
abrasion resistance.

To add value to customers’ operations by increasing maintenance efficiency, reducing plant running
costs, etc., we acted promptly to make our valve positioners “smart.” Planning efficient valve
maintenance is easy if the SVP3000 Alphaplus Series Smart Valve Positioner is connected to the
Valstaff™ control valve maintenance support system. We now offer this new method for increasing
the operating life of control valves.

As a comprehensive supplier of control valves, the azbil Group continuously strives to add value to
customers’ operations in various ways.




We offer a wide variety of flowmeters to meet your specific needs.

The flow rate is the most basic measurement in a process. A variety of methods of measuring the flow rate have been developed to cover a broad spectrum of fluid characteristics and measuring environments. We have released the following five types of flowmeters to provide longer operating life, good maintainability, and saving energy as customers require: electromagnetic, differential pressure, Coriolis mass, vortex, and thermal. From there, you can select the best for your specific needs.



AT9000 Advanced Transmitter Model GTX

  • Safety design

Safety design complying with the IEC61058 standard: Certified according to Safety Integrity Level2 (SIL2). Being used as a component of Safety Instrumented System (SIS).

  • High performance and reliability

High performance and reliability Unique compensation system "Characterization( )" has
been improved to achieve higher performance. Accuracy + 0.04%F.S. and + 0.1% of URL stability for 10 years has been achieved. Significantly reducing calibration work after installation.

  • Fast response

The response time within 100 msec( ) is realized. Suitable for pressure control around turbine.

  • High turn-down ratio

Turn-down ratio of 200:1 has been realized. Contributes to reducing the amount of inventory required for spare parts.

  • Proven technology

  • Proven technology

The silicon sensor chip consists of three sensors, which are temperature, differential pressure and static pressure sensor to correct non-linearity of each transmitter. This unique compensation system enables to eliminate the influence of ambient temperature and static pressure changes on transmitter output characteristics.



AX Series
Vortex Meters

Multivariable function from a single meter

Vortex multivariable meters from Azbil North America employ three sensing elements in a single meter: a vortex shedding velocity sensor, an RTD temperature sensor, and a solid-state pressure transducer. Within this single instrument, you can measure the mass flow rates of gasses, liquids, and steam with far more accuracy than with external measurement techniques which may not adequately compensate for dynamic process conditions. With the flexibility to install in almost any location—including hot tapping—you can get precise measurements from nearly any
location when you need it.


Multivariable capability within this single housing can also simplify systems, reduce equipment cost, and easy installation and maintenance hassles. The wide variety of options and configurations available ensures that there is a meter for any application requirement.


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Seatek Karya Utama 2019

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